Getting intimate on the first date: The dos, and don’ts

Last Update : 16 January 2018

Jumping into bed on the first date is a real challenge! There are several theories out there about when it is the perfect time to get under the sheets, like for example, the popularly-known “third-date rule”, but nowadays, many singles prefer to take risks, and go for it on the first encounter.

To maximise your chances of getting intimate the first time you meet in persona, make sure to keep in mind the following dos, and don’ts.

getting intimate first date


Get yourself groomed, and make your place ready

It does not matter if you are going out on a romantic date or if you are just going to hang out casually, causing a good first impression is always crucial!

Your goal is to seduce her, so in addition to your natural charm, it is very important to show the best version of you. Attraction is pure physics, so make sure your personal hygiene is being take care of: get shaved, use a light-fragrance, go for that outfit that makes your irresistible…

Your place should be as impeccable as you! You never know to what rooms your outburst of passion is going to take you two, so avoid an awkward situation where you apologize for being such a mess, and clean, and tidy your apartment up. Make it as cosy as possible. Do not hesitate to add some scented candles, and play some chill out music when you arrive to set a sensual atmosphere. All together it would make things more inviting.

Exude confidence

Women love, and find particularly attractive, men who demonstrate that they have the situation under control. This does not mean that you must be insistent or too pushy, but is more like showing that you are the kind of self-assured guy who can take the initiative, and knows how to treat a lady.

Body language is key here, so you should know how to tease her, and build up the sexual tension bit by bit. You can start with some jokes, and, at the first opportunity, use an insinuating tone to playfully take the conversation (situation) to a more sexualized territory.

Do not forget to show your captivating smile, and look at her directly to the eyes when talking. Move closer to her smoothly, start creating some moments of physical contact, and… enjoy your time together!

Have a plan for the morning after

You (luckily) have spent an amazing night with an incredible woman, so keep up the positive attitude the following morning as well. Whether you want to continue knowing that girl, and have some more dates or you want to simply leave it as a one-night stand, make sure you still are the polite, and charming guy she felt so attracted to the previous night.

Offer her some coffee, and have a chat, but do not prolong the situation, especially if your idea is to not meet her again. A good idea is to tell her (even it is in advance, the previous night if you want) that you wish you could spend some more time with her, but that you already have plans for that day, like for example, meeting your friends or an activity that you cannot skip.


Get drunk

Feeling nervous when you begin to intimate with a stranger for the first time, it is completely natural. You may be the best seducer out there, but your pulse will increase when you get closer to each other, there may be some pressure about the performance, and you could even feel at some point, a bit vulnerable, but that is human nature, so the best you can do to relax is to take your rhythm, and communicate with your lover for the night. You can have a glass of wine to chill out, but avoid at all costs to get drunk because the experience can end up in disaster. Your performance may be affected, and your night of passion can be memorable, but in a terrible way! So, be confident and bring out the natural Casanova in you!

Avoid using protection

Getting intimate with someone new, and just for one night can be an awesome experience, and to make sure it stays as a great, do not forget to use protection! Not only to avoid unwanted pregnancies, but to take care of your, and your sex partner’s health as well. The last thing you want to remember from your experience is that you got an STD. By being responsible when dealing with these issues, you will ensure that your night of pleasure is unforgettable!

Learn more about "How to jump into bed on a first date"