The dangers of virtual sex games: How to avoid them?

Last Update : 20 June 2017

The virtual world has become an important part of the lives of many singles, and couples who want to take their intimate relationships to the next level. Currently, thousands of daters from all over the globe go online to find another liberated men or woman with whom to play virtual sex games. These practices have even become a daily habit for many daters, who see this as a discreet opportunity to make their erotic fantasies more reachable. The revolution of digital sex has brought many benefits to the casual dating scene, but bear in mind that virtual adult games, as any phenomenon on the ‘Net, comes with its own risks as well. To make the most of your naughty 2.0. experience, it is essential to recognize the following dangers of virtual sex.

Risk 1: Becoming addicted to virtual sex games

The digital world gives people the option to freely enjoy intimate relationships with certainty that there is no risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease.

However, it is easy to become obsessed to virtual games for adults.

The fact that people can choose to have different partners, and a different erotic experience every time they are on the mood for love can easily lead to an additive behaviour.

According to many health experts, as it occurs with the use of social networks or other conventional videogames, it is possible to lose the sense of control, and the track of time.

Another risk appears if you compulsively use certain gadgets to enhance your sexual experience online.

Robotic sync devices are very popular amongst those singles, and couples who want to have digital intercourse.

Gadgets like teledildonics, haptic objects and VR glasses give you the opportunity to sense every movement your sex mates makes.

Nonetheless, specialist say that some of them, if used compulsively, could make you “cybersick”.

With VR glasses for example, if used with no control (continuously, and during big periods of time), you could experience physical symptoms like headaches, sweating, nausea or even disorientation.

Risk 2: Isolation: missing the sense of reality

New technologies play a key role on the way singles, and couples interact.

Thanks to virtual sex games, chat, video devices, and other erotic gadgets, you do not need to be in the same room to enjoy an intense sexual experience.

However, one of the negative aspects of virtual sex is that it is easy to get isolated from the real world.

If you do not balance your digital sex life with your face-to-face encounters, in the long run it could affect the way you develop your future intimate relationships.

Risk 3: Your encounter can be shared with others if you do not take precautions

The advances in cybersex, and the casual dating field are undeniable, but online interaction has several risks as your personal information can be easily leaked!

The danger is magnified when you communicate with people that you do not personally know, and ever more when you decide to get sexually active in front of a webcam!

Casual dating sites offer a safe space where you can get to intimately each other with discretion. However, you are responsible for your actions.

An online hook-up can be an extraordinary experience, and to ensure it is so, you should refrain yourself from revealing your real identity.

The person at the other side of the screen can record your online encounter, and share it with others or even worse, publishing it on the Internet. Precaution is the best solution!

Risk 4: Depending on the platform, you can spend big amounts of money

In most casual dating websites, you can chat with other horny daters for a fixed monthly amount.

Some of them even offer more interactive options like live video messenger services, and group chat rooms.

But there are some platforms that offer erotic live-action adventures as if you were in adult videogame, and which may require you to pay for extra “adventures”.

These experiences can be particularly expensive if you do not control how many games you play.

Virtual sex is not a dangerous practice per se, but as it happens with any other online or face-to-face sexual experience, you must be aware that an irresponsible behaviour can bring some serious consequences.

The best is to think about cybersex as great anonymous alternative to spice up your intimate relationships!

*Photo by Africa Studio | ShutterStock.

Learn more about "The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Sex Games"