Is casual dating a real trend right now?

Last Update : 16 January 2018

casual dating trend

The best Aussie hookup sites have open the path to the new era where daters have much more choices to find a partner for the night, and where singles seem to explore other dating possibilities before getting involved in a lifetime commitment, one may think that casual dating is what exactly modern singles are looking for.

Casual dating: a universe of pleasure to be explored

Nowadays, hooking up with someone you meet in a nightclub or a casual dating site has become a natural thing to do.

For many singles, the opportunity of getting lost in the pleasures of the flesh with a different lover every time they crave for a sensuous encounter is an opportunity not to be lost.

A recent survey by, showed that the reason why many daters seek a temporary affair is because of the thrills it gives and because they can experience better sex.

The study, where over 5,500 singles confessed all about their amorous habits, revealed that currently, 35% of men and 15% of women believe that having a casual encounter can be exciting.

In fact, for some of them, a one-night stand with someone they have met in a bar or a hook-up app can lead to their best intimate experience.

Men, in particular, are more open to getting into bed with a stranger for a single night than women.

A considerable 29% of males picture a one-night stand as the best sexual experience they can have in comparison to a just 15% of females.

Is it a night of passion with a temporary lover the best option? Nearly two in every 10 singles consider it is a terrible idea and, according to their beliefs, it could lead to their worst sex experience.

The importance of finding the perfect sex partner

However, the issue is not about not being predisposed to experiment with someone new.

What many modern singles look for is to find a partner for the night that takes them to the moon and with whom they connect at another level.

Single Millennials are 40% more likely than the ones from older generations to think that better sex can only be possible if there is an emotional connection.

This is why they rely on casual dating sites to find a potential sex buddy. They can know in advance if their date is sexually compatible with them or not.

In fact, as the survey reveals, one in three singles have had cybersex even before going out on an actual first date.

All in all, it seems that casual dating is a “thing” among younger singles, but what they care most about is to find the perfect casual match!

*Photo by StockLite | ShutterStock.