Flirting tips: How to be flirtatious with a friend?

Last Update : 16 January 2018

flirt friend

Welcome to the era of flirtationships!

Years ago, when the flirting topic was on the table, people rarely thought about making an advance towards a close friend.

Nowadays, teasing that colleague that you believe he/she has enough qualities to be more than a simple friend, but that is not boyfriend/girlfriend material, is very common.

Initiating the flirting game with a friend can be thrilling, but you would need to be aware about the consequences: even if it is for good, your friendship is not going to stay the same!

What happens when your flirt with a friend?

Everyone loves to become a bit playful with a friend who finds attractive, but crossing that line where you flirt openly with him/her is another story.

You would have to balance what exactly that innocent flirting can bring to your relationship.

Do you want to simply tease, do you expect your friendship to turn into a romantic commitment or perhaps into something more sexual?

Feelings play an important role when taking the decision of getting involved on a flirtationship.

When you start dating someone new that does not belong to your closest social circle, it is easier to take decisions with your head instead of your heart and it is also less complicated to get physical.

If this is the role you are going to play with your friend, then you better be sure he/she is in the same page!

Let’s begin the flirting game!

Your flirtation techniques should vary depending on your conquest.

On a casual dating site, for example, you can freely express your intentions and flirt openly with anyone that captures your attention.

With a friend, it should be slightly different. You can try some innocent flirting first: an occasional wink, a coy smile, complementing his/her looks using a friendly tone, calling you buddy by cute names, holding your gaze when talking to him/her…

You can subtly try to go to the next phase, if you see that the flirtation is mutual and feel that you both want to cross the line and go to that territory where talking about or even having any physical contact is allowed.

You would have to tease your friend gradually if you want to engage on a naughty conversation. A good idea is to test the waters and check your colleague’s reaction when you approach him/her.

Bringing out either of your previous most embarrassing or memorable hook-up stories with other people, can serve as an excuse to sexualize the conversation and persuade him/her to get flirtatious.

If the reaction is positive and you want to take it to the next level, you can try to clearly express that you would love to be friends with benefits.

If innocent flirting -you basically skip any sexual contact- is enough for you, then just take the most of your flirting experience and do not forget to nourish and make your flirtationship grow strong!