Sex friends in open relationship: a good idea?

Last Update : 16 January 2018


An open relationship, contrary to the exclusive relationship where partners promise not to look if the grass is greener on the other side, partners allows one another to have other partners: sex friends! Some couples make this choice and make an effort to not let jealousy interfere with their relationship.

In order to live a fulfilling open relationship, it is essential to have enough self-confidence and trust in your partner to not get paranoid and start thinking “I’m not your favourite” or vice versa

Open relationship couples are however much less prone to the issues facing many exclusive relationships, for example routine, weariness, boredom… Is it really realistic to promise one another love and loyalty when there are billions of men and women on this planet? Is that “happiness”? Spend your love life in the arms of one person? Without ever succumbing to the slightest temptation? So many couples are unhappy because their relationship no longer works; so many parents stay together to not hurt their children while depriving themselves of a fulfilling conjugal relationship… The number of divorces, Adulterers, depressions and even domestic violence: we allow ourselves to have some doubt: is the exclusive relationship really the recipe for happiness?